“Women who have experienced perineal trauma often describe the process of suturing as one of their most physically and psychologically traumatic moments, and even like being ‘tortured’.” Hammond et al, 2022

We have an innovative, low-tech solution based on existing clinical evidence.

Our mission is to address this neglected area of birth care and change this experience and the lives of families starting today!

No one has taken this seriously until now. In her decade of work as a clinical midwife supporting vaginal birth Nina cannot comprehend the lack of existing patents for this simple yet innovative technology.

We have the knowledge, the data and the opportunity for change. Let’s change this!

Over 1000 women per day in the UK alone require perineal suturing. This is a global, expanding and wealthy market.

In five years time we want to have reduced the incidence of perineal injury requiring repair in the UK and around the world.