Can we talk to you about something personal?
90% of vaginal birth will result in tearing.
So, if you have birthed vaginally or love someone who has, chances are you already know about this problem.
Every year 100 Million women* experience perineal injuries globally!
45% of these injuries will lead to direct costs to the Healthcare System, e.g. hospitalisation, drugs and follow ups. Perineal injury is one of the leading causes of litigation for the NHS, settlement sizes are increasing year on year.
*We refer to women and mothers here but recognise and celebrate those who birth who do not identify as women or mothers.
The cost to healthcare systems is huge.
But the real cost is hidden.
The real cost is women who lose their lives, continence, livelihood and confidence through potentially preventable injury. Mothers who suffer pain daily, who no longer enjoy their bodies and who cannot face having another child.
As a practising midwife with over a decade of experience, Nina was so frustrated by lack of a purpose-built device to bridge the gap between evidence and practice in birth, she has built one.
91% of women who sustained a tear report pain during sex at 12 months after birthing their baby….
Gommeson, 2019
Without Peripear
“…9 months to fully assess the healing of my tear. Unlike the books had said, things were not fine”
A patient
“Everything hit me like a ton of bricks
... Walking hurts. Sitting hurts. Everything hurts.”
A patient